fredag 11 juli 2008

The caring capitalist

Ricardo Semler talks about his views of business and education. A MUST SEE!!

And another one about is company, Semco.
Zemanta Pixie

Ricardo Rocks

Ronaldinho, St.Not this guy...My favorite Brazilian of the day is not footballer Ronaldinho, nor is it Paulo Coelho, even though he held the position for a long time; no today, it's Ricardo Semler, the entrepreneuner that took a whole different view on how companies should be managed.

When, at a young age, he was handed his fathers failing empire he could've just happily continued with the status quo and let the company die a slow death while spending away for himself. No, Ricardo's approach was to turn the conventional organisational structure upside down and give employees the power to do basically whatever they felt like with the company. Most would assume that the outcome of such a move could be nothing but havoc. Today, however, products and ideas that has emerged from employee's initiatives accounts for two thirds of both employees and sales.

I think what Ricardo realised is that democratic companies, like democratic countries are much more fun to work and the ideas on the margin that usually only occur in startups in the free world, and not at all in the undemocratic parts of the globe, can emerge from a company with organisational democracy. This because workers feel they can make their voice heard and contribute on a much more profound level than in most other compananies, fostering a loyalty towards management that makes workers willing to fight for their ideas inside the company, and not pursue it elsewhere.

Zemanta Pixie

fredag 4 juli 2008


Well, during the last year I've slowly begin to realise that I would never be able to thrive in the standard cubicle environment that most white collar companies seem to prefer. It's too rigid. Too fixed.

I hope to explore various ways that companies create awesome environments by empowering their employees.

måndag 16 juni 2008

About me...

My name is Jonas Bolin, I'm a 22 year old undergrad at Gothenburg Uni, Sweden, majoring in Business Administration. So far I haven't had any courses in organizational theory and I have no other formal qualifications, so right now, there is no reason for anyone to believe anything of what I say, but I hope to improve my credentials as time goes by...

Happy People Create Healthy Organizations!

This blog will be about stuff that I've thought about for a long time, but never actually put into words; until today.

It's about what it is that make some organizations really interesting, while some makes one consider jumping from a cliff. It's about work, but it mostly about our lives. As many people have said before me; it's hard to have a crap day at work and come home and be all happy and energetic. Thus, how we feel at work matters for how feel about our life.

The objective of this blog is to discuss various ways managers and individuals can improve the atmosphere in their workplace and in their lives at large.

If anyone happen to read this, please feel free to provide comments and suggestions!